Monday, February 20, 2012

Tumbling Ty Ty

February 13th Greg and I went to dinner for some friends for an early Valentine's day date. Ashy was babysitting and called to tell us that Ty had climbed into a laundry basket and decided to ride it down the stairs and that there was alot of blood. We rushed home and had a neighbor run over while we were in route. The blood was pretty much managed and cleaned up when we walked in but poor Ty Ty had a goose egg easily the size of a golf ball. We were so scared He had a concussion. Luckily, we have 2 awesome neighbors who are nurses who ran over and took a look at him. Greg and our neighbor gave Ty a blessing and we decided to just watch him closely and keep him awake. After 2 hours of watching him we decided he was ok. Thank heavens. We are so grateful it wasn't worse than it was.

Didn't like it when I held the ice pack to his forhead...

only Daddy could do it.

1 week later his gooseegg is only a bruise and the rug rash has fallen off. All that is left is 2 black eyes. Poor little Ty Ty. That's our little dare devil!

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