Our friends, the Grays also baptized their daughter Addi. Congratulations Addi and Ashy!
Greg was so proud of her
Grandma Gali congratulating Ashy
Showing off her dress to her friends. She said she felt like Cinderella
Grandma Penny put together a gift bag full of very special things for Ashy to help her remember her baptism day. This blanket represents the Holy Ghost.
Cute cousins
Our friends Tiffany and her daughter Kaylan came to support Ash and gave her this rose.
This necklace was Grandma Adamson's. She was so happy I let her wear it.
I love you sweet girl!
Yay! Congratulations Ash! What an amazing day and experience.
You were in my dream last night!! It was so much fun, you and your family were there and Chase Lefler and his family (Neiko and Carter) were hanging out with us too. (that would never happen..haha. would be fun though)
Lets play soon! I miss your family!
Such a pretty girl. Congratulations. So excited that she's in Activity Days now.
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